One of FIINR's missions is to give back! Certain items of memorabilia we sell will have portions of the proceeds of that sale commuted to a special cause. We will be donating a portion of the proceeds on specific items to specific causes.

We are firm believers in thanking those who have inspired so many of us to love the sports and hero's we admire.

You will see on your product listing which products are eligible. There will be a section where will add a line that looks like this. *10% of the proceeds of this item is going to be donated to the CLF. As an example. If you choose for us not to use your name just let us know in your order notes and we will exclude that and make the donation for you. 

When any item that has to do with a contact sport like Football, Boxing Hockey, MMA, and many other contact sports. Supporting us helps support foundations that want to better the future of athletes in contact sports. 10% of the proceeds of those items will be donated to the CLF. 



About The CLF 

The Concussion Legacy Foundation was founded in 2007 by Chris Nowinski, Ph.D. and Dr. Robert Cantu in order to bring the concussion crisis into the public eye. Dr. Nowinski, a former WWE professional wrestler and Harvard football player, set a goal with Dr. Cantu to change how concussions were understood and handled in sports. Now in our tenth year, the Concussion Legacy Foundation is more dedicated than ever to solving the concussion crisis by advancing the study, treatment, and prevention of the effects of brain trauma in athletes, military veterans, and other at-risk groups.

We work to achieve our mission through education and prevention programs, advocacy, policy development, and support of research at the VA-BU-CLF Brain Bank. Created in 2008 as a partnership between the Concussion Legacy Foundation, Boston University, and the Department of Veterans Affairs, the VA-BU-CLF Brain Bank conducts cutting-edge clinical and pathological research on the long-term effects of repetitive brain trauma, with a focus on the degenerative brain disease Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE). The VA-BU-CLF Brain Bank is the single greatest CTE research resource in the world, housing 70% of global CTE cases. Together, we are committed to creating a world without CTE, and concussion safety without compromise.


FIINR Donates to the aspca

 About the ASPCA 

We will be providing 10% of the proceeds to groups like the ASPCA. This would be for items from either athletes known to treat animals poorly or from sports memorabilia surrounding sports like horse racing, bull riding and many others. This is to ensure that the animals we love watch win at the track are looked out for in the future.  

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals® (ASPCA®) was the first humane society to be established in North America and is, today, one of the largest in the world.

Our organization was founded on the belief that animals are entitled to kind and respectful treatment at the hands of humans and must be protected under the law. Headquartered in New York City, the ASPCA maintains a strong local presence, and with programs that extend our anti-cruelty mission across the country, we are recognized as a national animal welfare organization. We are a privately funded 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation, and are proud to boast more than 2 million supporters across the country.

The ASPCA’s mission, as stated by founder Henry Bergh in 1866, is “to provide effective means for the prevention of cruelty to animals throughout the United States.”



Wounded Warrior Project

We will be providing 10% of the proceeds to the WWP. This would be for items from memorabilia around our armed forces. From war memorabilia from cards, propaganda, matchbooks, shell casings, posters and more. 

 About the Wounded Warrior Project 

Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) began in 2003 as a small, grassroots effort providing simple care and comfort items to the hospital bedsides of the first wounded service members returning home from the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. As their post-service needs evolved, so have our programs and services. Today, through our direct programs in mental health, career counseling, and long-term rehabilitative care, along with our advocacy efforts, we improve the lives of millions of warriors and their families.

This effort requires the passion and commitment of friends, supporters, and like-minded organizations that enable us to fulfill our mission. With their collaboration and support, we strive to ensure that when those who serve come home, they’re afforded every opportunity to be as successful as a civilian as they were in the military.


